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Adopted 1-14-1980

  • 3-1981
  • 1-1983
  • 1-1985
  • 3-1986
  • 6-1987
  • 12-1991
  • 11-1995
  • 7-1997
  • 7-2012
  • 7-2016
  • 6-2018
  • 6-2019


The name of this organization shall be the Library Association at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


This is a non-profit organization whose purpose shall be:

  1. To provide for the professional growth and development of its members.
  2. To promote effective library service within the academic community.
  3. To foster a spirit of cooperation among members of the library profession.


These shall be three classes of membership in the Association: Member, Student Member, and Honorary Member.

  1. The Member class of the Association shall be open to all staff at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Members will have a vote on Association affairs and will be eligible to serve on both the Executive Board and committees.
  2. The Student Member class of the Association shall be open to all full-time students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Student Members are eligible to serve on committees, but have no vote on Association affairs.
  3. The Honorary Member class of the Association shall be open to all former Members retired from the libraries at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Honorary Members will have no vote on Association affairs and will not be eligible to serve on the Executive Board or committees.


To cover expenses of this Association, dues shall be collected. The amount may be changed from the previous year’s dues by majority vote of a membership quorum. Dues shall not be collected from honorary members.

No part of any receipts or profits of this Association shall accrue to the benefit of any member or individual. In the event of dissolution of this Association, its assets shall be donated to the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to be used at the discretion of the Dean, for the continuing education of professional librarians and library science students.


  1. Designation:
    1. President. This officer shall direct and coordinate all business, and shall act as spokesperson for the Association. The President of the Association, in consultation with the elected officers and the immediate Past President, shall appoint the chairs of the standing committees.
    2. Vice-President/President-Elect. This officer shall serve as President in the absence of the President. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall serve on the Conference Committee and shall chair that committee in the absence of the Conference Chairperson(s). The Vice-President/President-Elect shall chair the Nominating Committee in the Spring.
    3. Secretary. This officer shall be responsible for maintaining the official membership roster and any method of membership-wide communication, recording proceedings of meetings, and collecting and disseminating all information necessary to conduct Association business.
    4. Treasurer. This officer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of Association funds and for fiduciary record-keeping and reporting. The Treasurer also assists the chair(s) of the Conference Committee as needed in management of the conference budget.
  2. Terms of Office.
    Officers of this Association shall be nominated by the membership in Spring. Election results will be announced at the annual June business meeting and officers shall serve for one year beginning at the adjournment of the June meeting. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall serve for one year after election in the capacity of Vice-President and shall automatically assume the office of President in the following year.
    EXCEPTION: In order to ensure greater fiscal continuity, the Treasurer of this association shall serve a term of two years, and nominations for this office shall take place every other Spring. EXCEPTION: The Vice-President/President-Elect may assume the office of President prior to completion of their one-year term as Vice-President/President-Elect if the President cannot fulfill their year as President. See section V.3.
  3. Unexpired Terms:
    1. President. In the event the President cannot fulfill their year as President of the Association, the Vice-President/President-Elect shall assume the office of President and shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term as well as serve their elected one-year term as President.
    2. Vice-President/President-Elect. In the event the Vice-President/President-Elect cannot complete their year as Vice-President/President-Elect of the Association, the President shall call a special election for the purpose of electing a new Vice-President/President-Elect. In the event the Vice-President/President-Elect assumes the office of President, the office of Vice-President/President-Elect shall remain vacant for that year.
    3. Secretary or Treasurer. If the Secretary or Treasurer of the Association cannot complete their term, the President shall name a replacement for the remainder of the year. The replacement shall be confirmed by the Executive Board.
    4. Past President. The unexpired term of the Past President of the Association on the Executive Board shall be filled at the discretion of the President. If the President chooses to fill this vacancy, they shall select the replacement from any of the Past Presidents of the Association who are currently eligible to be Members of the Association.


  1. Designation: A graduate student representative of the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (SILS), known as the SILS Student Representative, shall serve on the Executive Board.
  2. Terms of office: The SILS Student Representative shall serve a term of one academic year. Selection of the SILS Student Representative shall be a separate process carried out by SILS.
  3. Unexpired Terms: In the event the SILS Student Representative cannot fulfill their year as SILS Student Representative, SILS shall name a replacement for the remainder of the year.


  1. Composition. The elected officers, the Past President, the SILS Student Representative, and current chairs of the standing committees of the Association shall serve as members of the Executive Board. The Board shall meet at times designated by the President.
  2. Duties. The Executive Board shall coordinate the activities of the Association. The elected officers of the Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association. The President of the Association, in consultation with the elected officers and the Past President, shall appoint the chairs of standing committees. The members of the Board shall define the specific responsibilities of these committees. The Past President shall be responsible for maintaining the bylaws of the Association. The chairs of standing committees shall serve in an advisory capacity. The SILS Student Representative shall act as a liaison between the School of Information and Library Sciences and LAUNC-CH.


  1. This Association shall hold an annual business meeting.
  2. Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President at any time, provided due notification is given to the membership in advance of the meeting.

IX. Quorum:

  1. Twenty percent of the current membership shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of Association Business.


  1. Standing
    1. Names and charges.
      1. Committee on Professional Welfare: To investigate actions and policies that help to clarify and improve the professional status and benefits of library workers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
      2. Committee on Professional Development: To sponsor opportunities for and foster members’ professional growth and development through activities, such as: an annual forum to present new library and information science research and practice; ad hoc programs as needed or desired; cooperative endeavors with and outreach to other local professional and library groups and sister schools; and mentoring to library and information science students.
      3. Program Committee: To plan and coordinate programs, including social events, September through May.
      4. Conference Committee: To plan and coordinate an annual conference on a topic of general interest to the membership.
      5. Communications Committee: To maintain the official LAUNC-CH website and other communication media.
  2. Appointment of Chairs and Length of Terms. After the June meeting, chairs of committees shall be appointed by the President of the Association in consultation with the elected officers and the immediate Past President and shall serve from the time of their appointment through the June meeting of the following year.
  3. Nominating:
    1. Membership. The Nominating Committee shall consist of four members. The Vice President / President Elect will serve as Chair and, in consultation with the President, shall appoint three members to the committee.
    2. Duties. This Committee is charged with two responsibilities: 1) selection of at least one candidate for each of the offices of Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Association; and 2) supervision of the election, including preparation, distribution, and counting of ballots. The Nominating Committee’s slate shall be presented to membership in Spring, at which time additional nominations will be accepted. At least ten days prior to the June meeting, ballots will be delivered to all eligible members of the Association. Voting will be open for at least one business week. Results will be announced at the Association’s June meeting.
  4. Other: Ad hoc committees and subcommittees may be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.


After due notification in writing of proposed changes in this constitution, a meeting shall be held for the purpose of discussion of the proposed amendment(s) and changes thereto by the general membership. Subsequently, ballots shall be delivered to all members, to be returned by a specific deadline set by the Executive Board. An assenting vote by two-thirds of the membership voting shall be required to amend the constitution and bylaws.


The parliamentary authority for the Association shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition.