Get Involved
Once you’re a member of LAUNC-CH, there are plenty of ways to get involved with the organization.
- Attend our networking events, such as the annual Fall Social, spring Research Forum, Trivia Event, and more!
- Join one of LAUNC-CH’s committees, and work with colleagues on important LAUNC-CH business.
- Run for office! It’s fun (and it looks great on a CV).
LAUNC-CH Committees
Each spring, LAUNC-CH will make a call for volunteers to serve on each committee. Please consider serving!
Conference Committee
Plans and coordinates an annual conference on a topic of general interest to the membership.
Communications Committee
Ensures effective communication and marketing of LAUNC-CH, including maintaining the LAUNC-CH website and social media.
Professional Development Committee
Sponsors opportunities for members’ professional growth and development through activities, outreach to other local professional groups, and mentoring.
Program Committee
Plans and coordinates fun and informative events throughout the year, such as the fall social, a trivia event, etc.
LAUNC-CH Board 2024-25
LAUNC-CH is governed by the Executive Board, consisting of the President, President-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, SILS Student Representative, and the chairs of each of the committees.
President: Criss Guy, Undergraduate Library, CB#3942, 962-4194,
Vice President / President Elect: Rolando Rodriguez, Davis Library, CB#3950, 962-9590,
Past President: Karina Soni, Davis Library, CB#3900, 962-9450,
Secretary: Katie O’Neil, Wilson Library, CB#3926, 962-4788,
Treasurer: Carrie Baldwin-SoRelle, Health Sciences Library, CB#7585, 966-1416,
Committee Chairs & SILS Student Representative
Communications Committee – Luke Barron, Health Sciences Library, CB#7585, 966-6256,
Conference Committee – Ellie Campbell, Law Library, CB#3385, 843-4959,
Program Committee – Joel Collier, Health Sciences Library, CB#7585, 966-0944,
Professional Development Committee – Aaron Smithers, Wilson Library, CB#3948, 962-3765, & Jason Tomberlin, Wilson Library, CB#3948, 843-5863,
SILS Student Representative – Jenna Qi,